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《Voraiya》在线观看 (正版影视分享,片源已标注)



2016(大陆)  /  剧情/动作/古装/

主演:朱子奇 /  李八鸿 /  陈芳彤

剧情介绍: During the reign of Tianzheng, the one-eyed swordsman Wo Laiye (starred by Zhu Ziqi) got involved in the fierce contest for power. The man to whom Wo Laiye was much grateful had been murdered by the most powerful military officer in the imperial court. As a result, Wo Laiye was forced to run away and had to undergo countless risks brushing past death through hunting, killing and vengeance. The frequently displaced Wo Laiye came to the Cross town and lived in an inn where he enjoyed a temporarily quiet life with the owner Mr. Huang and his daughter Huang Xuerong (starred by Lin Qianlu). The quiet life did not last long, however, the secluded Wo Laiye was dragged into the strife between two local tyrants: the Yans and the Zhaos. Wo Laiye had to counterplot and engage in the overt and covert struggle of the local despots to protect the town and the inn.


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